DIY Hair Rebonding / Hair Straightening at Home with Shiseido Crystallizing Straight System

Disclaimer: The results may vary depending on your hair type, previous treatments, or any alterations made to your hair (e.g., coloring, keratin treatment, etc.). This may not work for everyone. I’ve had my hair professionally straightened countless times, so I knew it would work for me. If it’s your first time, I’d highly recommend doing it professionally. The whole process is tedious, time consuming and requires a moderate level of hair styling ability and knowledge. Proceed at your own risk.


This is my second time attempting to do permanent hair straightening at home. The first was during COVID lockdown when all salons were closed.

The first attempt was a failure and I had to get it professionally done at a salon later. But the positive outcome was that I learnt from that attempt and got it right this time.


I was left with frizzy, fried-looking hair the last time.

  • Shiseido crystallising straight H/N/EX straightener and neutraliser
  • Powerful, high-quality hair straightener that can heat above 180 degrees
  • Gloves, claw clip, disposable container, covered surface
  • Comfortable environment with a large mirror (preferably air-conditioned if you live in a hot country)
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Hair dryer


  1. Wash your hair properly. Wash it more vigorously and longer than you normally would. Do not use conditioner. I shampooed my hair thrice to be sure I removed all oils and creams.
    • IMPORTANT: You want absolutely clean hair to begin with if you want satisfactory results.
  2. Blow dry your hair.
  3. Apply the crystallizing straightener using gloves. It’s a thick, white cream. Section your hair before beginning and start from below (nape of neck). Make sure to coat every single strand of hair.
    • IMPORTANT: How to choose your crystallizing straightener? There a 3 types from Shiseido (H, N and EX). I used EX for resistant to very resistant hair. Choose based on your hair type.
  4. Wait for 30 minutes. This does not include the time required for application. I set a timer once I’m fully done with application.
  5. Wash off the cream thoroughly. This step will take time as the cream is thick. Please take your time to properly wash ALL of the cream off. Use shampoo, I skipped conditioner to avoid adding more product. Shampoo your hair multiple times to get all the cream off.
  6. Blow dry your hair.
  7. IMPORTANT: DO NOT RUSH THIS STEP. THIS IS THE MAKE OR BREAK STEP. Set your hair straightener at 180 degrees. Again, start from hair at the nape of your neck and work your way up. You will need to press each section of hair for 10 to 20 seconds using your hair straightener. Please do this in small sections, as small as possible for best results. This is different from how you would normally straighten your hair where you press and pull downwards quickly. Take your time, go over each section multiple times until you notice your hair looking glossy and very straight. Keep going until you achieve the glossy look. The previous time, my rebonding was not successful because my hair straightener was not hot enough to achieve the glossy look. This time my hair straightener did shut off midway as it took long to go through my thick hair. I let it rest and cool and it was okay to keep going after. I got a blister on my thumb from using the hair straightener for so long. I appreciate the patience my hair stylists have when they do my hair.
  8. Apply the neutralising cream thoroughly and generously.
  9. Wait for 2 to 3 minutes. This does not include the time required for application. I set a timer once I’m fully done with application.
  10. Wash off the cream thoroughly. This step will take time as the cream is thick. Please take your time to properly wash ALL of the cream off. Shampoo your hair multiple times. Use a light conditioner to finish off.
  11. Blow dry hair or let it air dry.
  12. The end. Enjoy your silky, smooth straight hair.

I must stress, my first attempt doing rebonding at home was a complete failure. I only got it right the second time. I’ve been watching hair stylists rebond my hair for close to 15 years now. I’ve watched and learned over time. I also style my hair on a daily basis, so I am very familiar with my hair and using a straightener.

You can get all the steps right and still not end up with straight hair, so please think twice before attempting to do this by yourself at home unless you’re completely sure you can handle it.

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